Simple Steps to Make an Existing Website Responsive

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Wondering about how to make your website responsive? Fret not as we are bringing you some expert tips to help your website be more responsive. In the past, websites were surfed only on the desktop PC but nowadays there are far more options to surf the web. When it comes to websites, the idea of responsive design is there to provide visitors with the best of user experience across a large range of platforms, from PC to laptop to tablets and smartphones. So basically, a responsive website would alter the size of its content to automatically respond to match the size of the screen you are viewing the website in.
The main criteria of the responsive design of a website are to make sure that the content remains the same but the aspect of viewing changes depending on the platform. From free web hosting to fluid grid aligning, here are some simple steps to help your website be responsive;

Fluid Grid

In the past website developers used pixels as a base of measurement but these days web designers have shifted to using a fluid grid. The idea behind the fluid grid is that it sizes the elements of your website proportionally as compared to making them a fixed specific size. What it does is that it makes it easier for allocating size for the different screens as the grid responds to the platform and changes the size accordingly, this would not be possible if size were allocated based on pixels. For instance, the responsive grid is divided into columns that are not fixed in height or width but they rather expand or contract depending on the size of the screen.

Touchscreen Friendly

Nowadays you can find a laptop that comes with a touchscreen, even some desktop PC is touch screen enabled. With touchscreen platforms all around us, arises the idea of a responsive website can be navigated with both mouse and fingers (touchscreen users). With the mouse, you can be quite precise when trying to click at a certain location on a website but not so much with fingers and so the website should be designed in such a way that it allows the user to easily press on the desired button. For example, drop-down menus need to be considerably large so as to make it easier for the finger to touch.

Elements to Include on Small Screens

Responsive design does not necessarily mean to alter the content to fit the size of others screen, in fact, what you are looking for is to allow the user to have the best user experience and that could mean leaving out some of the content to fit the small screen, not just for viewing purpose but for a great user experience. For example, you will find a lot of good responsive websites have condensed their menus and navigation options that can be opened with a single touch of a finger.


Image size is something that needs to be considered when making a responsive website. For example, only allow a portion of the image that can be viewed on a smartphone or remove them altogether or perhaps handle them in a different way.


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